Since the National Physical plan is to provide a broad Spatial Framework, the implementation of National Physical Plan needs both technical arrangement as well as Procedural arrangement. The Technical arrangement is to translate National Physical Plan into Regional Physical Plans either for the Provinces or specially designated Regions.

Hence, the procedural arrangement of implementation is carried out by the Implementation Division. Accordingly, Implementation Division is entrusted with the following tasks.

  • Annual review of program and aware the NPPC and obtain necessary directives from NPCC enabling to initiate corrective measures.
  • Coordinating with National Planning Department to prioritize the funds allocation for developments in line with National Physical Plan.
  • Coordinating with respective development agencies such as, UDA, RDA to assure compliance of such project to the National Physical Plan.

The National Physical Planning Policy and the Plan has to be addressed the short - term, Medium term and long term targets. The long term targets have been identified as sustaining the Central Watershed Area, responding to the effects of climate change, encountering mitigation of natural hazards, facilitating a sustainable urbanization process etc. Research Division of NPPD carrying out research and in depth studies in order to achieve above long term targets.

Besides, it is expected to maintain National Planning Information Base under the Research Division of NPPD which will be useful for decision makers of various organizations related to the Physical Planning.

Preparation of the Regional Physical Plans

Regional Physical Plans are needed to provide the Provincial and Local Level Authorities with necessary framework for the translation of National Level Policies and Development Programs into Local Level Action Projects as well as to reformulate and regulate the local development initiatives in harmony with the National Level Policies and Programs. As per the provisions of the Section 5A (d) and (e) of the Town and Country Planning (Amendment) Act, No.49 of 2000, it has been a mandate of the Department to prepare Regional Physical Plans for all nine provinces of the island.

Composition of the Regional Planning Committee

  • Chief Secretary of the Provincial Council as Chairman;
  • A representative from every Local Government Authority within the province, recommended by the relevant Local
    Government Authority.
  • District Secretaries of the province;
  • A representative of the Urban Development Authority;
  • An officer not below the rank of an Assistant Superintend of Surveys in the Department of Surveys.
  • A representative of the Road Development Authority, and
  • Not more than three persons nominated by the Minister from those who have gained excellence in the field of Economic or Physical Planning, Administration and Environment or in any other field relevant to Physical Planning

Preparation and Implementation of Development Plans for Small Towns

As per the provisions under the Section 5A (d) of the Town and Country Planning (Amendment) Act, No.49 of 2000, the Department is assigned with the duties and functions of preparing development plans for local areas that are not declared as 'Urban Areas', under the Urban Development Authority Law of 1978, upon failures or requests by the relevant Local Authorities.

Preparation and Implementation of Development Plans for Places with National Significance

One of the major aspects of National Physical Planning that giving adequate attention of the Department is the planned developments in the places of national significance and strategic importance. Since there are no responsible and capable institutions to take care of them, their situations are alarming and call for an immediate attention of the authorities for guided sustainable developments in them. The Department is conferred with powers, under the Section 5A (c) of the relevant Act to capture them into 'Development Schemes' and prepare Plans for the betterment of them, and to assist the relevant Local Authorities and the other Institutions to implement those plans.

Preparation of the National Physical Planning Policy and the Plan

The section 5A(a), (b) and (g) of the Town and Country Planning (Amendment) Act, No.49 of 2000 mandates the formulation of the National Physical Planning Policy and preparation of National Physical Plan, and periodical reviews for necessary changes as primary tasks of the Department.

Scope of National Physical Plan

As per provisions of the Section 2 in part I , General provision of Town and Country Planning (Amendment) Act, No.49 of 2000

‘A National Physical Plan may be prepared under this Ordinance in conformity with the National Physical Planning Policy, with respect to land, whether there are or are not buildings thereon, with the general object of promoting and regulating the development of the land, of securing proper infrastructure, amenities and conveniences, of conserving the natural and built environment of architectural, historic of aesthetic interest and of natural beauty.’

Constitution of the National Physical Planning Council

As per provisions of the Section 1 in Part I , General provision of Town and Country Planning (Amendment) Act, No.49 of 2000

There shall be established a National Physical Planning Council (hereinafter referred to as the Council) consisting of”

  • The Head of the Government - H.E. the President / Chairman
  • The Minister in charge of the subject of National Physical Planning, who shall be the Vice Chairman
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Economic Planning
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Finance
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Lands
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Agriculture
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Industry
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Housing
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Urban Development
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Transport
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Highways
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Ports
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Civil Aviation
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Coast Conservation
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Environment
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Forestry
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Tourism
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Irrigation
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Power
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Culture
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Provincial Councils
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Plan Implementation
  • Hon. Minister in charge of the subject of Health
  • All Chief Ministers of all Provinces:
    • Chief Minister, Northern Provincial Council
    • Chief Minister, Central Provincial Council
    • Chief Minister, North Central Provincial Council
    • Chief Minister, Eastern Provincial Council
    • Chief Minister, North Western Provincial Council
    • Chief Minister, Sabaragamuwa Provincial Council
    • Chief Minister, Southern Provincial Council
    • Chief Minister, Western Provincial Council
    • Chief Minister, Uva Provincial Council